Guards- Related Sources
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Guards- Related Sources
Collection Items
Werntz, Philip. Pension Application
Note- the date is only somewhat legible, the day and year could be incorrect.
Guards at Camp Security 10: Ebenezer Ferguson
Detailed analyses of a Camp Security guard's pension application and related sources.
Guards at Camp Security: Andrew Anderson, Part 2
Detailed analyses of a Camp Security guard's pension application and related sources.
Guards of Camp Security 8: John Stewart
Detailed analyses of a Camp Security guard's pension application and related sources.
Guards of Camp Security 7: Henry Baumgardner
Detailed analyses of a Camp Security guard's pension application and related sources.
Guards at Camp Security 6: Samuel Fulton & John Baker
Detailed analyses of a Camp Security guard's pension application and related sources.
Guards at Camp Security 5: Adam Black Part 2
Detailed analyses of a Camp Security guard's pension application and related sources.
Guards at Camp Security 4: Adam Black Part 1
Detailed analyses of a Camp Security guard's pension application and related sources.
Guards at Camp Security: William Adams
Detailed analyses of a Camp Security guard's pension application and related sources.
Guards at Camp Security: Andrew Anderson, Part 2
Detailed analyses of a Camp Security guard's pension application and related sources.
Guards at Camp Security: Andrew Anderson
Detailed analyses of a Camp Security guard's pension application and related sources.
William Degroff Discharge
Years after the end of their service at Camp Security, the soldiers were still seeking their full pay. Eventually, they were requested to show or turn in their discharge and “receive the interest and a new certificate for the full principal” to…
John Boart Discharge
Years after the end of their service at Camp Security, the soldiers were still seeking their full pay. Eventually, they were requested to show or turn in their discharge and “receive the interest and a new certificate for the full principal” to…
William McCall Discharge
Years after the end of their service at Camp Security, the soldiers were still seeking their full pay. Eventually, they were requested to show or turn in their discharge and “receive the interest and a new certificate for the full principal” to…
James Hagan Discharge
Years after the end of their service at Camp Security, the soldiers were still seeking their full pay. Eventually, they were requested to show or turn in their discharge and “receive the interest and a new certificate for the full principal” to…
David Good Discharge
Years after the end of their service at Camp Security, the soldiers were still seeking their full pay. Eventually, they were requested to show or turn in their discharge and “receive the interest and a new certificate for the full principal” to…
Social Bookmarking
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