Prisoner-Related Sources

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Prisoner-Related Sources

Collection Items

Analyses of a Camp Security prisoner's memoirs and related sources.

Analyses of a Camp Security prisoner's memoirs and related sources.

Analyses of a Camp Security prisoner's memoirs and related sources.

Analyses of a Camp Security prisoner's memoirs and related sources.

Prisoner Provision Return Convention Troops 6/13-18/1782
The Bailey Collection (74.7), Series Two B: Military Papers, Special Collections, Benjamin F. Feinberg Library, State University of New York, College at Plattsburgh

State of the Yorktown Regiments
"A weekly return of the Prifoners of war confined in the Stockade Near little York.."

Drawings from Sergeant Lamb's Journal
Attributed to Roger Lamb, these drawings reference his published memoir A Journal of Occurrences during the Late American War (1809). The Napoleonic uniforms of the soldiers seem to suggest that the drawings were created by someone who had not been…

This novel takes place in the early years of the American Revolution and is based on the adventures of one Sergeant Lamb, a Dublin man in the service of His Majesty's army. It begins with Lamb's early days in Dublin and ends with his arrival in…

This is the second in a two-book series telling the story of Sergeant Roger Lamb, a non-commissioned officer in the British Army, who served in America during the American War of Independence. Captured by General Johnny Burgoyne after the Battle of…
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Social Bookmarking

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