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Proceed, Sergeant Lamb
This is the second in a two-book series telling the story of Sergeant Roger Lamb, a non-commissioned officer in the British Army, who served in America during the American War of Independence. Captured by General Johnny Burgoyne after the Battle of Saratoga, he made a daring escape and later served under General Cornwallis.
Following closely Sergeant Lamb’s personal memoirs, renowned poet, classicist, and novelist Robert Graves traces the sergeant’s harrowing time in the service, providing a compelling, only barely fictionalized eyewitness account of a crucial point in American history.
Following closely Sergeant Lamb’s personal memoirs, renowned poet, classicist, and novelist Robert Graves traces the sergeant’s harrowing time in the service, providing a compelling, only barely fictionalized eyewitness account of a crucial point in American history.
Robert Graves
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